Saturday, May 2, 2009

The value of the second ammendment!

The Constitution is not a living document! It is designed to keep our country's government accountable to the people.
With out the second ammendment, the rest of the ammendments are worthless and will disappear over night! The first ammendment only exists because of the existance of the second ammendment.
The second ammendment guarantees that the remaining ammendments will live and enforces the validity of the constitution! It also keeps our country from being ruled by a tyranical administration!
If you take the time to examine the history of most of the European countries you will find that the first thing a wannabee tyrant/dictator will do is to disarm the people in order to guarantee the safety of the tyyranical administration!
A disarmed people cease being citizens and automatically become subjects!
The present administration, being top heavy with anti gun zealots, is hell bent on making the citizens into subjects, thereby assuring their agenda to become a government that will dictate your every move and issue only that which they feel you need! They will be your nanny from cradle to grave!
The poor fools working will support the segament of the population that is inclined to live on the entitlements provided by the socially correct nanny state, which will, and is, leading to be a copycat "Fall of The Roman Empire"!
If we value the freedom and liberty won by millions of patriots that fought and died for these simple principles, we should all support the valient fighting officers and representives of the NRA that are striving with might and main 24/7, to preserve our rights to keep and bear arms, as stated in the second ammendment!
We can give no quarter to the tyrants that would rob us of our God given rights as stated in the Constitution and The Bill of Rights!
God save our great Republic!

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